• 1

    Step one

    The decision on the renovation and the ordering of a proper investment plan.

    It is very important to properly form the task for the investment plan organizer, which, when winning the investment plan preparation would know and understand well what it is that you want. And you, as the Customers, have to want and require the maximum, as from it your life quality and financial benefit depends.

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    Step two

    The proper presentation of the investment plan to citizens. Approval of the investment plan. Choosing a financier.

    Residents of the apartment, have to understand that they are the Customers of the renovation process and that the decisions taken are their responsibility. It is recommended to organize no less than 3-4 meetings with the residents of the apartment. During the meetings, the purpose of the renovation has to be found out, what is the benefit of the positive decision as well as the advantages to the residents living in the renovated building. The aim of the meetings - to provide all the necessary information to the residents of the apartment buildings, so when the time comes to vote, each of the residents could take up a proper and reasoned decision. It is recommended to work responsibly on all processes, to raise discussions and to try to understand why are you voting one way or the other.

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    Step three

    Designing task. Choosing the proper designer.

    The designer, performing the design has to be interested in achieving the highest energetic class possible, as well as to have a qualified experience in the preparation of such projects. A good reputation of the designer is also important, as well as positive reviews. We recommend to search for information on the designer yourselves, as well as to contact the customers of already implemented objects, which could approve or deny the reputation of the designer. We encourage to choose a designer who could work with as many projects as physically possible at once and would not have a lot of started but unfinished projects. All of the mentioned requirements have to be reflected in the designing task and have to be legally named.

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    Step four

    Purchase of contract works. Choosing the proper contractor.

    The reputation of the Contractor is important. Always ask to introduce the already finished projects, which would help to decide on the capability and reliability of the contractor. It is important to choose a contractor who would be able to manage the financial streams and would choose reliable and proper subcontractors. Do not forget to properly form the legal documents and to mention it in the purchase conditions/task.

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    Step five

    Choosing the technical supervisor. End of work (final acceptance of the object).

    The technical supervisor is the representative of the residents, who is legally responsible for the quality of performed works, thus great attention should be paid to the choice of him. The biggest mistake - choosing the lowest price. When choosing the lowest price there is a threat that the technical supervisor will not supervise the work properly or will not perform his work at all. One of the main conditions - physical presence in the acceptance of work. When choosing the technical supervisor, require them to introduce certificates that prove their competence and the projects implemented.